When I asked his teammate David Ortiz, himself a borderline folk hero, how he would describe Ramirez, he replied, “As a crazy motherfucker.” Then he pointed at my notebook and said, “You can write it down just like that: ‘David Ortiz says Manny is a crazy motherfucker.’"And...
After the third such incident, Duquette ventured down into the locker room. “I said, ‘Manny, let me ask you something. I was just wondering why you get back in the batter’s box after ball four.’ He said, ‘I don’t keep track of the balls.’ He said, ‘I don’t keep track of the strikes, either, until I got two.’"
There's been a lot of talk about Manny's real value. No one contests that he's a great hitter, but his issues playing defense are also well-known. An article in the nyt (registration required) claimed that his defense made him a merely average player. Turns out, the metric was seriously flawed, as it was designed such that Manny was responsible for catching walls that hit twenty feet up the Green Monster (see post 27 - though the importance of that is still in some dispute).
All this being said, Manny signed a huge, long-term contract in 2000, and I think the most exceptional thing is that for every one of those years he's performed exactly as expected the day the contract was signed. Crazy motherfucker and all.
As a Phillies fan, I know all about "nice guys" not living up to expectations (David Bell, Mike Lieberthal, Pat Burrell, Kevin Millwood, Randy Wolf, Adam Eaton) and "crazy motherfuckers" who were awesome (Darren Dalton, John Kruck, Lenny Dykstra). I'll take crazy and good over David Bell any day!
There was that one play where the batter charged the mound and Lieberthal tackled him from behind. That was crazy awesome.
Also I should point out the while the nyt article is registration required, if you are affiliated with a university (which they determine by whether you have a .edu address) then you can get Times Select for free. Not the crossword puzzle though, since they know that's actually worth paying for.
that was the best play ever! After Adam Dunn was tackled from behind by Lieberthal, Carlos Silva came up and sucker-punched him in the head. HA HA. That'll teach him to charge the mound!
speaking of David Ortiz, this play was hilarious...
More Manny.
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